Quickly block ads and and subscribe to filter listsīy accessing AdBlock’s Options page, you are able to toggle AdBlock’s context menu options, allow white-listing of specific YouTube channels and configure AdBlock to display text ads on Google search results pages. Hence, you’ll be able to view and read content, and watch YouTube videos without getting interrupted or distracted by ads.
The best part about AdBlock is that it silently runs in the background and prevents advertisements from popping up.
You also have the option to pause AdBlock or deactivate it for a given webpages or domain. In addition to removing ads from the page, AdBlock is also capable to remove YouTube videos advertisements that are normally displayed before playing a video clip.įrom AdBlock’s drop-down menu you can easily view the number of ads blocked on the currently viewed page or in total. Blocks advertisements on all pages and removes YouTube ads AdBlock is a self-explanatory add-on for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari that enables you to enjoy the web content of your favorite pages without getting interrupted by advertisements.